Sunday, September 11, 2005

Spell of the Highlander by Karen Marie Moning

If you have enjoyed Karen Moning's previous Highlander novels, you will like this one too because it is a continuation of the series. All our favorite characters are back, except for Adam Black who is missing in this one (although mentioned) and who is now mortal, dare we hope the Queen restores his immortality someday? Of course the MacKeltar twins, Dageus and Drustan are back and they are accompanied by their now wifes, Chloe and Gwen. By the way, the story of Drustan and Gwen is my all-time favorite Karen Moning book and I think will be difficult to ever top. But, this one comes close and, as always, her writing is very intelligent. This can be called the Man-in-the-Mirror book because it is about Cian (pronounced Key-on) MacKeltar who is a wilder, rougher ancester of the twins, could it be possible? Jessi St. James is the young woman who happens upon the mirror and discovers the man trapped inside by the spell of the wicked, evil Lucan, who has definitely turned to the "dark side." Lucan spends the novel trying to reclaim the mirror which was lost to him when it was stolen from his London home. He has to get it back in time to continue the spell. I don't want to give away any more of the story because if you read it, a great part of the fun is that you don't know where she is going with it and that keeps you engrossed. The suspense keeps you reading and the characters are fascinating and different from the previous ones. Another interesting aspect is the illusions to Queen Aoibheal's motives in allowing the MacKeltar's to find themselves in the modern world and what will be coming in the future. It certainly tells us that there will be more Highlander stories in the offing and they will include our favorite characters, and once again, the modern world will be in jeopardy and will need to be rescued by the MacKeltars.

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